Forum Courage

is an invitation to people of all cultural, religious and political backgrounds that appreciate coming together in a circle for creative thinking, deep feeling and courageous acting.

The format has been invented by Ann Forker and Henrik Langholf from Staufen, a beautiful little city between Freiburg/South Germany and Basel/Switzerland. About two years ago fears were strongly rising in the German society concerning the side effects of having a lot of new refugees in the country. New right wing politicians started to appear on the stage in a way that obviously was ignorant to the dignity of all. The democratic system started to feel threatened. Political developments in other countries such as Turkey, Poland, Italy, England and the USA were demonstrating as well how fragile the common sense is concerning key questions of how we want to live together. As response to all of this the Forum Courage was founded, where new perspectives have been rising for local citizens to deal with above named topics.

Leading Change in a fragile world! FORUM COURAGE goes International

Already in the beginning Ann and Henrik had the vision of sharing the Forum work on an international scale.

As they are leading next to the Forum Courage exciting new projects such as the Pearldiver Community and the Water Festival Freiburg - Transforming Ocean Plastics through Collective Innovation!, they are interested in connecting with innovative leaders in social, political and business affairs all over the world proposing a platform for exchange in the workshop format Leading Change in a fragile world!

This is what we want to offer to you in our gatherings:

Which future are you trying to create?
Introducing ourselves and our projects based on 5 powerful questions

What exactly needs your courage now?
A creative ritual to re-connect with our deep resources

How can we enhance the state of "feeling connected & supported" and reach out in the way we always desired?
Creating a practical change roadmap, that combines individual and connected action steps for the weeks to come

  • You are leading change processes on a personal, organizational, local, political or global level?
  • You are interested in knowledge sharing, collegial counseling and transatlantic networking?
  • You are open to explore a new format which combines four essential fields for "leading change in a fragile world"?

Please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you. 

Im Forum Courage Markgräfler Land haben sich im Jahr 2017 auf Initiative der Evangelischen Landeskirche Menschen aus der Region zusammengeschlossen, um die brennenden Werte-Fragen der aktuellen Zeit neu zu erforschen.
Bibel oder Grundgesetz, Verstand oder Bauchgefühl - was hilft uns weiter, wenn wir auf der Suche sind nach den Möglichkeiten eines guten Zusammenlebens?
Was bedeutet eigentlich "Ein gutes Leben für Alle", welche Situationen erfordern unser Hinschauen, wo ist beherztes Handeln gefragt und wie geht das?
In der Beschäftigung mit diesen Fragen ging es vor allem um eine neue Kultur des Lauschens, in der die eigenen Ideen, Wertungen, Meinungen zurückgestellt werden und zunächst erst einmal bedeutsam ist, was der andere sagt und wie er empfindet - Hinhören und Gehörtwerden als Teil unserer gelebten Menschenwürde und Voraussetzung für sinnvolles Handeln.